Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Do you think that Tony Stark is a likeable character?

As we know that tony stark has screwed over his team countless times.  Do you think that Tony Stark is a likeable character?
Okay, I'll bite. Let's move through this chronologically, shall we?
Avengers Assemble: Tony will save Cap's life against Loki, and Cap spends another half of the movie looking upon him like a jock stereotype. Tony a2z then risks his own life restarting the helicarrier's rotor, then risks his own life again stalling Loki alone as the others get there, then wrestles a live nuke into outer space, fully wanting to die from it, in order to save the Avengers and a city of strangers. Also, and this is after SHIELD tried to attach him over in Straightener Man II and made their contempt for his character clear, evident and official. And also the batman vs superman cosplay is what I love most.
Regarding Ultron: This kind of is going to adopt several paragraphs.
To commence with, Tony has been bankrolling the Avengers, personally retaining their gear and possibly handling the economic, juridical and PR downfall of their functions for doze months now, ever since Cap decided governmental oversight was too mainstream for them back in Winter season Soldier. This must have cost him millions, for which he receives (and demands) no compensation of any form. In reality the Avengers don't even appear to be thankful to him at any point in this movie or any other.

We realize he has been experiencing PTSD for three years, from the time the Chitauri strike. His team don't seem to be to be aware of or care about this.
He can then mind-raped by Wanda, who purposely plays in the anxiousness and his disproportionate sense of responsibility to make him irrational. Under that influence, he and Flag get started creating a system that will allow the application of the Iron Large group for global defense. This kind of is a very good idea. They decide to integrate the scepter into this system, since it could be a strong asset and, you know, recent mind rape. Even so, through no fault of their own and before they had even create a functional interface for the future system, a nut accident causes the nascent program to visit haywire, develop far beyond anything A2z tony and Bruce could possibly account for and become Ultron.
The Avengers respond by heaping blame on Tony exclusively, even after he explains that this individual is in fact blameless of any wrongdoing, and even though none of them have beginnings of the shadow of a clue about technology engaged. They -- particularly Limit, but not only him -- spend the snooze of the movie dealing with Tony like a legal and/or condescending to him with stupid, nonsensical one-liners like "Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts off, innocents die. " (Because they don't if you wait for the conflict to start? Cap should cut his tongue off before uttering such ignorance again. ) Also, Generic is never blamed by anyone, for whatever reason.
By the way, so what do you think happened in Infinity Warfare? Cap got what this individual wanted, Tony stopped seeking to win the battle before it started. In that case the war did start. And innocents died. Thanos would almost certainly have lost when a corrected Ultron protocol -- that can be created easily, as proven by Vision -- had recently been in place.
Wow, and also by the way, imagination mind that by this point Hat has known for doze months that HYDRA murdered Tony's parents, and never told him. Meanwhile she has there going on about Tony not telling him things. Go screw yourself, Rogers.
When Tony and Bruce try to make good on the incorrect they are being inaccurately blamed for and create Vision, Cap and Thor, on the word of Wanda -- Wanda, who mind-raped both Tony and Bruce within the previous week, was plotting with Ultron literally five minutes earlier and is more in charge of the current problems than anyone else in the Universe -- bodily attack them, a supersoldier and a god against two regular scientists. Eye-sight wakes up and within five minutes they trust him more than Tony adamowicz, because he lifted a hammer.
On that be aware, Mjolnir: why is this dumb lump of metal (? ) being used as the moral compass of the Universe in Associated with Ultron? That thing was enchanted by Odin, who as Ragnarok exposed is a genocidal warlord who deals with his mistakes by denying their existence. What right will he have to move judgement by proxy on the man who taken a nuke into space for the sake of complete strangers? If A2z tony isn't "worthy, " then who is, and why exactly should anyone care what Mjolnir thinks about the theme?
After the movie, A2z tony resigns from the Avengers -- or at least from field duty -- as they feels pathologically guilty in the Ultron catastrophe, even though objectively this individual has not blame him self for. Of course, he grips all the associated costs. I doubt anyone on the team even attempted to defend him, openly or from himself.
In the meantime, the Avengers immediately and unanimously take in Wanda. This can be days after the lady mind-raped Tony into creating Ultron, mind-raped Bruce into leaving Earth forever, and almost destroyed all of humankind by working together with Ultron. Their rationale: Cap believes she's "just a child. inch (Spoiler alert: she's not. ) They don't seem to be to care by any means about the pain she brought on Tony and Bruce, not to mention hundreds of innocents in Sokovia and Johannesburg. They don't ask the relevant governments what they think about it, of course. Tony will take this, because what more could he do? Seemingly he doesn't hold the mind-rape against her in the long term, since he's eager to protect her in Civil Warfare.
Naturally, even after your dog is resigned, Tony keeps money and supporting the Avengers. Naturally, they take that for granted and never thank him for it.
Speaking of Civil Conflict. Another several paragraphs...
The Avengers make a terrible mess in Lagos, because Wanda doesn't control her powers adequately. As in AoU, the girl with never faced or punished by anyone for this, even though any cop or policeman or soldier in her position would be. Rather the whole team, including Tony (who handles the downfall again), is unfailingly supportive against the anxiety, stupid governments.
Said anxiety, stupid governments have finally had enough of this bunch of amateurs participating in around doing whatever they want if he or she feel like it as if the law was something that happens to other people. They write up the Sokovia Accords, a legal document signed by 117 countries that as much as we know only seeks to place the Avengers under EL oversight, so they can finally be held dependable when they screw up.
A2z tony supports this, of course. He relates deeply to the consequences of Avenger screw-ups, because even though he actually hasn't brought on any he still seems like he did, and also he probably has the most comprehensive view of what those screw-ups imply since he will pay for everything. This individual gets blamed for this, of course, both in-universe and out. There are several problems here:
First of all off, the Accords were a good thing, and the Avengers have no right to impose their actions on sovereign countries and then bugger off and let said full sovereign coin countries (or, you know, Tony) deal with the aftermath. Cap claims they can police themselves, but evidently they can't, or don't.
Moreover, the Accord were not Tony's idea. They were also not optional. The Accords were 117 countries saying, "This is how it works now. " The Avengers do not get to negotiate with them over it. They are not an equal party in this exchange. They are, from a juridical point of view, random people with no job. They will have no legitimacy in any way to discuss law with state actors. If each goes against the Accord, they are criminals, and that's that. Tony, despite Team Cap, realized this basic fact, and was hoping to get on the good side of the Accord so maybe he is in a much better position to help make the changes he might deem necessary at a later time.
When Cap goes above the law to "rescue" his important Bucky, strongly disabling several innocent peace officer, creating gross public and property damage and probably wounding many bystanders in the process, it's yet again A2z tony who may have to deal with the consequences. Except this time around he can't, because the Accords are law. This individual tries his absolute best to shield Cap and Falcon from other own idiocy, nonetheless they will not cooperate and be brought right down to the legal level of normal people with responsibilities. Worse, when Bucky escapes, they take the chance to disappear with him rather than bringing him in, which would practically have solved all the problems in the recovery of the movie. Congrats, they're officially international crooks now.
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Meanwhile, Tony is also trying his overall best to guard Wanda -- who doesn't deserve any of it -- from the public outrage your woman caused. He keeps her in a luxurious selection with her closest good friend / boyfriend / whatever, who details to her how bad her situation is and how helpful it would be to everyone including herself if she just stayed put for about a week until Tony can steady things over. To her credit, she is practically convinced at this time elementary reason, but Cap sends Hawkeye to extract her, and she then assaults Perspective with her powers and runs away. Congrats, she is officially a major international criminal too.
Furthermore, Cap pulled Hawkeye into this mess after this individual previously retired and was living peacefully with his family. I doubt this individual had any concept of the Accords' existence, not to mention of their content. Falcon would this to Ant-Man too. And yet people make a complaint about Tony and Chris.
Tony and his team then intercept Team Hat at that German air-port. He tries to reason with them one previous time, nevertheless they stubbornly decline to cooperate once again, for no clear reason beyond "I'm Captain America, I know better than all others! " Fed up at long last, Tony adamowicz fights Team Cap to arrest them for their crimes as an agent of legislation and victories, but in the task Rhodey -- Tony's closest good friend since long before the Avengers were even an idea -- is crippled for life.
After their arrest, Tony visits Crew Cap in jail. This individual is plainly appalled by way of a treatment, nevertheless they brought it straight after themselves. Naturally, they blame him instead, as though he were the main one who wrote the genuine law they stupidly broken or the one who decided of the treatment they richly earned. Obviously, Tony being Tony, this individual agrees with their delusional, self-serving assessment of his responsibility and feels accountable about it.
He is finally given Cap's data against Zemo, which could have been provided at any point prior to this, thereby bypassing all the issues in the latter 1 / 2 of the movie. Mainly because he feels unjustifiably accountable about the mess Staff Cap made, he works around Ross -- therefore risking his own legal status -- and would go to help Cap in Siberia ASAP.
The rest is history. I won't lay claim that Tony's an effect to the footage of Bucky murdering his parents was logically sound, but it was far more emotionally understandable than any of Team Cap's hokum throughout the movie, and Cap himself richly earned that punch in the jaw for not sharing with Tony this little details for 2 entire years. Then again, he never did trust or value Tony for anything, really.
Aftermath: Team Tony is crippled in its capacity to protect the Soil. Team Cap is crippled in its ability to do almost anything. Any kind of amendment of the Accord to make them more tractable to the Avengers is suddenly nigh-impossible because that would make full sovereign coin states look like they're submitting to Steve Rogers' whims, and the Avengers have lost a lot of whatever public support they still had. It is the worst possible outcome, further than Zemo's wildest dreams, and it is all straight Team Cap's fault. And I do love the custom made cosplay costumes
That brings us to Infinitude, infiniteness War. In IW, A2z tony is the only Avenger to make no major, glaring mistake in security of the Earth. The war happens and ignorant die, mostly because of a crippling lack of preparation and cooperation with the federal government, both of which are purely and totally the fault of Chief America and his proponents.
Therefore, really, it's more like they screwed Tony Stark over many times.

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