Sunday, May 6, 2018

In Infinity wars, did Thor not know about the snap?

Thanos didn’t tell him to go for the hand. He said Thor should have gone for the head. Not the hand. In theory though, you might be sort of right. If he had successfully removed his hand from his body, that would have also removed the canary costumes
You’re forgetting something though. Going for the extremities is far more difficult than going for center mass. Just ask any gun owner. You simply do not shoot for the extremities. Sure sure, there are exceptions. But in this case the exception does NOT prove the rule. thea queen cosplay
There’s three things that could have happened if he went for the arm.
Option 1. He misses. Oops, now Thor’s going to die.
Option 2. He hits, but due to having the power stone and the fact that the arm has significantly less mass, he doesn’t fully chop the arm off. Oops, now Thor’s going to die.
Option 3. He actually gets lucky and manages to chop Thanos’s arm off. The heroes arrow costumes
Keep in mind this was in the heat of battle. Also keep in mind that Thor was late to the action and hadn’t seen what was happening. He knew Thanos was going to kill half the universe. And he had even heard Gamora say that he can do it with a snap of his fingers. But did he know that the Gauntlet was complete? Maybe, maybe not. But going for the chest was still his best shot.
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