Monday, May 21, 2018

What happened to the other heroes and villains such as Wolverine, Deadpool, Ultron and Abomination in the Infinity War?

Firstly, Ultron’s fate was sealed by Vision in Avengers 2, and certaintly isn’t going to come back. green arrow black canary cosplay
As for the other heroes you mentioned, they were all previously owned by 20th Century Fox, until Disney purchased them in December 17th, 2017. Now Marvel (owned by Disney) has the rights to utilize these characters i.e. X-men, Fantastic Four, in future movies to come. red arrow cosplay costume
They certaintly didn’t have time to implement these heroes into infinity war that premiered in late April, which completely floored the movie industry by being the fastest film to gross 1 billion dollars (in 10 days). legend of korra cosplay costume
The MCU has so many more possibilities in the future, and I’m thankful that I’m alive to see them.
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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Do you think Captain Marvel is even alive at the end of Avengers: Infinity War?

SPOILERS Obviously:
Well she’d have to be for the sake of good storytelling and audience expectation. On an audience expectation front it would be a huge middle finger to the audience if they teased Carol Danvers for Avengers 4 and yet after a full year of waiting from now just said “Oh hey, that little spot of anticipation and hope was just a giant red herring!” injustice 2 joker costumes
On a storytelling front all of the New Avengers (Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Vision, and Scarlet Witch) all died and all of the Old Avengers (Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Captain America) survived with the possible exception of Hawkeye who wasn’t in the movie. Considering that both the New and Old Avengers failed to defeat Thanos here, we can’t have just the Old Avengers win on their own. It just makes sense for a newcomer to try and tip the scales in Avengers 4. green arrow and black canary costumes
Captain Marvel has her debut film coming out 2 months before the next Avengers film. Whilst the film is going to be based in the 1990’s and may not particularly involve many characters from the present films, she will be tied into the whole story. As we see Nick Fury page Captain Marvel at the end of Infinity War, we assume she is alive. Whilst obviously there is nothing to say she is alive and in fact dead, it would be pretty pointless introducing her for one film, then killing her straight away. I believe that she is alive in the modern day, and that she will most definitely appear in the next Avengers film.
If anything, I have a theory going. During Infinity War we hear Thanos say ‘I ignored my destiny once before’. Then, at the end, Fury pages Captain Marvel young justice cheshire costume. What I think happens, is that possibly, Thanos has something to do in Captain Marvel’s film. She possibly stopped him or persuaded him to not go through with it, sulking him back into his chair. She then gave Fury her pager, telling him that if this ever happens again, or anything similar occurs, contact me. It’s only a minor theory, I have to research everything and see that it doesn’t have loopholes in it, but yeah.
So, to conclude, yes, I believe Captain Marvel as alive at the end of Infinity War, simply because it would be pointless, stupid and bizarre if they introduced her in film one, then killed her in film two. Even if she didn’t survive, and did disappear into dust (and enter the Souls dimension) then she’ll be brought back
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Thursday, May 17, 2018

What if the ones who disappeared in Avengers Infinity War where the ones who lived and every one who "stayed" are trapped in the Soul Stone?

Nice theory, but it is the opposite.
Those who have died and are sacrificed (Gamora) are trapped in Soul Stone and the living will need to come up with a plan with the help of Captain Marvel. The theory regarding souls of dead trapped inside Soul Gem is confirmed by Russo brothers - Infinity War Soul Stone Theory Confirmedinjustice 2 joker costumes
The interesting part would be to see if Marvel will decide to revive every single character who has died or only some. Spider-man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange are as good as confirmed as Spider-man has a confirmed sequel, Doctor Strange would be needed for the expanding scale of Marvel Universe, and Black Panther was a huge success - critically and arrow and black canary costumes
GoTG 3 is also confirmed and many/all/some characters of the team would be revived.
I’m pretty sure this is the route they’re going to take. Some of the characters who were killed earlier in the film I think are gone for good, but the ones who disappeared at the end are either trapped somewhere, or the ones who stayed are trapped somewhere. That’s how they’ll explain being able to bring THEM back but not the Asgardians, etc. black canary costumes
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Do you feel that MCU's Avengers franchise would be ruined if time travel is used to reverse the damage caused by Thanos in the Infinity War?

You mean like how when this behind the scenes picture came out…
…while filming was being done for Avengers: Infinity War the internet was ablaze with stories saying the hole on Robert Downey Jnr’s shirt was “proof” that Doctor Strange would be using the Time Stone to travel back in time as a way of dealing with/finding a way to deal with Thanos and that was the “only” explanation for why that hole was there? That then spiralled into people using this image… young justice robin cosplay
…or similar ones to say how it “proves” that Strange would be going back in time to the Chitauri invasion during the Battle of New York and how maybe it means that Tony Stark dies during Infinity War and Strange needs his technological knowledge in order to create something which could be used against Thanos so he may be bringing past Stark into the future with him to help? sailor mars halloween costumes
And after seeing all that “proof” and those “undisputable” theories I’ve just mentioned, how many of them turned out to be true when it came to the release of the film? Absolutely none.
I’m assuming the link in the question has photos of the wrist devices in the leaked photos but the link isn’t working for me. These devices here I mean;
Obviously you’ve got Captain America wearing the outfit he wore in The Avengers and not sporting his beard or longer hair he had during Infinity War so the suggestion of time travel may appear more concrete than the previous speculations but we don’t know the context? I mean it could simply be that the devices on their hands are similar to the tech Stark used during Captain America: Civil War;
They could be personal shields of some kind? It may be that Steve Rogers decided to shave and cut his hair and took the old costume out of storage? Maybe he felt that if he’s going to be going on a mission where he may well die he wants to look his best? black butler dagger cosplay
Simple fact is, we just don’t know but, for the sake of the question, assuming it istime travel related then no, I don’t think it would ruin the franchise at all. After all, X-Men: Days of Future Past is arguably the best film out of all of Fox’s X-Menfranchise. At least out of the main X-Men films, anyway. X-Men: Apocalypse was a poor film which followed but that wasn’t down to the time travel aspect, simply creative missteps. Marvel’s MCU films haven’t released any genuinely bad films. Sure, there’s films like Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World which are frequently mentioned as being the worst of the franchise but they weren’t box office bombs nor were they “bad” films and were generally positively received. So, were Marvel to be using the time travel device as a plotline then I have no doubts they’ll be able to use it convincingly and in a way that doesn’t simply make everything which preceded it irrelevant or in a way that will harm what’s came before nor after.
One of the main reasons I don’t necessarily think that those images prove it’s time travel is the fact Captain America has one of the devices. If he is part of the time travelling group then… why would he be? He survived the events of Infinity War so there wouldn’t really be any need to bring past Cap into the future with them. Of course, it could be used like one of the Kang the Conqueror stories in the comics where Avengers from different time periods come together and sometimes there’s multiples of the same character but, until the film is actually out, we just won’t know. red arrow cosplay costume The images are simply cause for speculation, not evidence of anything. Just like how the “proof” of time travel being used during Infinity War turned out to be completely wide of the mark. Well… it was used but none of the events were shown on screen and we only saw Strange mention how he’d viewed over 14 million possible futures that could come from their actions so it certainly wasn’t used how all the “evidence” suggested it would be.
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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Why do you think Nick Fury was keeping Captain Marvel secret all this time?

A lot of the other crisis were over fairly quickly. Avengers takes place within a few days. Age of Ultron takes place over a longer time but that’s mostly due to the opening sequence (attack on Hydra, party, Stark and Banner researching the scepter). Once Ultron actually appears I believe it’s only a week or so before he’s defeated young justice cheshire cosplay
As far as we know Fury did signal her, and then let her know it was all set. Maybe that will be the post credit scenes for her movie. Fury signals “Chitauri invading. Come Quick” she drops what she’s doing…flies half way home…Fury signals saying everything is ok. She goes back to what she was doing. Next scene. Fury signals “Robots are taking over. Come Quick.” he drops what she’s doing…flies half way home…Fury signals saying everything is ok. She swears if he does this again she’ll take his other eye and goes back to what she was doing. savitar cosplay
I think the in universe reason though is that Fury knew she would not get back in time. By the time she got there the Chitauri would have invaded, or the nuke would have gone off destroying the invasion force or the Avengers would have won. Same with Age of Ultron, If the Avengers failed to keep Sokovia from falling then the earth is toast anyway. She wouldn’t make it back in time. ghost in the shell cosplay costume
With IW it’s an ongoing crisis. People are disappearing. Before he disappears all he knows is IM is missing, and there’s been no sign of Thor or Hulk since they fought Ultron. He doesn't know Banner and Thor are in Wakanda. So he calls in the biggest gun he can, Captain Marvel.
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Friday, May 11, 2018

Did Marvel make a mistake with Infinity wars?

No, I don’t think so because even though we fans know that the upcoming movies are not based in the timeline of the Infinity War, we will go to the movies to find some answers; basic fan tendency. Let’s take a look at the upcoming Marvel movies. the legend of korra costumes
  1. Deadpool 2 . I don’t know about you but most of us loved Deadpool because it simply made us laugh until our stomachs hurt. We know that Deadpool is not in the Avengers universe but it will still do well in the box office for two reasons; one - sheer expectation of intense humour and story and two - the post credit scene which might tease something from the X-Men universe or not. Also, Dark Phoenix is expected to release later this year. So, Deadpool 2 is definitely a go for all the fans of X-Men Universe. green arrow and black canary costumes
  2. Ant-Man and the Wasp. This movie is set between Civil War and Infinity War which is a BIG timeline. This movie will potentially not tell us what happened to either characters after the Infinity War fiasco but it will help in taking the story ahead in a manner which might connect the events to why did whatever that happened, happen. You know what I mean. Also, post-credits.
  3. Venom, Spiderman Into the Spiderverse and Silver and Black are all being directed and produced by Sony but we don’t know if it has anything to do with our Marvel’s Spiderman. So, we can be iffy about watching these.
  4. Captain Marvel. As per my understanding, this movie is set up way before the Infinity and Civil war. Now that Infinity War has teased the entrance of Captain Marvel into the MCU, it is only necessary for us to know who Captain Marvel is and what the imminent personality is capable of to understand how or why they are going to be helpful in the upcoming Avengers movie.
  5. Avengers 4. FINALLY. So, all the movies that belong to this universe will in some manner take the story forward and give us a medium to understand what might happen in Avengers 4. young justice cheshire costume
Also, Marvel hasn’t made any mistake with Infinity War and its sales are pretty great and since it is diversified into multiverses, it can always make money with other movies and ventures from a business standpoint.
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Does Thor's new hammer, the Stormbreaker, have the same "worthiness" enchantment

Stormbreaker does not appear to have the same worthiness enchantments that Mjolnir, its predecessor, has. However, when Thor, Rocket, and Groot leave the rest of the Guardians to create it, Star-Lord asks why everyone shouldn’t have a weapon capable of killing Thanos. Thor replies that a weapon of such power cannot be wielded by someone of lesser power than Thor. So, it’s less a “worthiness” requirement as much as it is that if someone less powerful tried to use it, it would destroy the user. black canary costumes
It certainly amplifies Thor’s powers. With Mjolnir, Thor had to spin the hammer and hold onto the strap to fly. Thor is seen floating with Stormbreaker in his hand. thea queen cosplay

Thor: Ragnarok establishes that the lightning powers come from Thor himself. It’s unknown whether Stormbreaker has any inherent lightning powers itself, but as said above it does augment Thor’s natural powers. One ability it has that doesn’t come from Thor is that Stormbreaker allows Thor access to the Bifrost, without the use of the Bifrost Bridge, allowing him to travel between the realms with no other equipment needed. red arrow costumes

Thursday, May 10, 2018

How was Tony Stark's nano-tech suit in Avengers: Infinity War so powerful

At this point in the MCU, Tony has been making suits for nearly 10 years. This is a man who graduated Magna Cum Laude from MIT at 17, and created an Arc Reactor, something which millions of scientists with millions worth of funding couldn't do, in a cave with a box of scraps. black canary costumes
Remember how in Iron Man 3, when he made 49 suits each with different purposes and setups. Tony easily has the innovative mind to combine those 49 designs into Nanotechnology for his suit. thea queen cosplay
Another thing you just remember is that Thanos held back the entire time. He could've killed Hulk when they fought, he could've killed Star-Lord and the others when they met, but he simply didn't want to. He wanted the satisfaction of them perishing when he snapped his fingers. His biggest weakness has always been his ego. I can guarantee you Thanos didn't use the full power of the Power Stone, otherwise Tony would've been shredded. red arrow costumes
The Model-Prime armor is the pinnacle creation of all 50 of Tony's suits, but Thanos did hold back. He didn't want to kill anyone right away, so he gave Tony a fighting chance.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Who would win, Black Widow vs Star-Lord in Avengers:Infinity War

Black Widow hands down.
Note: In the comics she has some enhancements. I dont remember that being mentioned in the movies though so I am not going to factor that in. black canary costumes
Black Widow is one of the best fighters in the MCU. In hand to hand combat she can take out almost any non-powered (and some powered) opponents. She has spent her entire life training how to kill and harm people. Plus she has some cool SHIELD tech to help (Age of Ultron shock bracers) thea queen cosplay

Star Lord-is a plucky human. Sure his dad was a living planet but Star Lord lost the powers that go with that when he killed his dad. Thats not to say he cant fight. He’s more a street fighter and not a trained killing machine like Black Widow. He does have cooler gadgets (the rocket boots, his guns, the gravity things he uses) than BW but that will just let him last a little longer. Think of how he did when he met Gamora in GOTG 1? He got his ass kicked. Gamora is tougher than BW but was also contending with Groot and Rocket. charlie and the chocolate factory anime
If he can stay out of reach he’ll last for a bit. But in the end BW hurts him badly.
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Monday, May 7, 2018

Who would win, Shuri and Bruce Banner in Avengers:Infinity War

Most likely the former.
I say that Shuri and Bruce are the more powerful duo, due to the amount of intellectual knowledge that Shuri has, as well as her high-tech vibranium weapons and utilities which could pose a formidable threat indeed. Bruce on the other-hand, we all know is the one and only Incredible Hulk. Now, I’m assuming that you are referring to the human-version of Bruce for the duration of the fight, as Nick Fury and Mantis would severely be out-matched. green arrow and black canary costumes 
Bruce as a human is a world-renowned physician with 7 PhDs in the MCU, such that he possesses a lot of intellectual capabilities to create various forms of technology and weapons to defend himself come the situation. Hand to hand combat however, Bruce is most certaintly lacking than that of Nick Fury. black canary costumes
Now Nick Fury has been the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., later replaced but Agent Coulson, but has the field experience like no other agent. We can safely assume that Nick has the dangerous capabilities similar, perhaps inferior to that of, Natasha Romanova (Black Widow), which is a force to be reckoned with. 
Finally, Mantis, an individual with super-powered empathic capabilities. In various movies, Mantis has proven her profound strength and power in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and in Infinity War. Both of which depicts her powers to restrain superpowered beings (Ego and Thanos) to a frozen position. Now this may be proven useful, only if she is close enough to her target. Her long-distance capabilities amount to nothing, with her close-quarter power can stop even Thanos. alice madness returns misstitched dress
All in all, the match-up certaintly could go either way, but without enough context, no one could know for sure. If Shuri and Bruce possessed the tech to defend themselves, then they’d be the likely victors. Stripped to the bone however? Perhaps the unlikely team of Nick Fury and Mantis can overpower their opponents to a defeat.
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Sunday, May 6, 2018

In Infinity wars, did Thor not know about the snap?

Thanos didn’t tell him to go for the hand. He said Thor should have gone for the head. Not the hand. In theory though, you might be sort of right. If he had successfully removed his hand from his body, that would have also removed the canary costumes
You’re forgetting something though. Going for the extremities is far more difficult than going for center mass. Just ask any gun owner. You simply do not shoot for the extremities. Sure sure, there are exceptions. But in this case the exception does NOT prove the rule. thea queen cosplay
There’s three things that could have happened if he went for the arm.
Option 1. He misses. Oops, now Thor’s going to die.
Option 2. He hits, but due to having the power stone and the fact that the arm has significantly less mass, he doesn’t fully chop the arm off. Oops, now Thor’s going to die.
Option 3. He actually gets lucky and manages to chop Thanos’s arm off. The heroes arrow costumes
Keep in mind this was in the heat of battle. Also keep in mind that Thor was late to the action and hadn’t seen what was happening. He knew Thanos was going to kill half the universe. And he had even heard Gamora say that he can do it with a snap of his fingers. But did he know that the Gauntlet was complete? Maybe, maybe not. But going for the chest was still his best shot.
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